How do we use donations?

By clicking the donate button on this website, you can choose to sponsor a child, make a one-time donation or by scrolling down, contribute to the building campaign. Donations in one of the first two categories support day-to-day operations of the school such as:

  • Salaries for the staff
  • Textbooks and school supplies for each student
  • School uniforms and transportation
  • Breakfast and lunch and snacks for students and staff
  • Utilities including electricity, internet, phone, water, gas and trash disposal

All the children at la Promesa receive two meals a day. In many cases, these are the only meals they receive since they come from hard-working but poor families. Mom may work daily from 7am to 9pm for only a dollar or two per day.  Dad often pops in and out, drinking his earnings away. As a result, many of our children barely have their basic needs met. Their homes do not have running water or indoor toilets. They are at high risk of violence, abuse, and gang membership since without the opportunity or maybe parental push to get an education, they would be wandering the streets looking for food or work. All our school-aged children attend classes all day. Most have never been to school before so they were behind and needed extra help to catch up. Those too young for school attend all-day preschool. Not only does your sponsorship help provide them with an education, but it also places them in a loving environment during most of the day where they will see God’s love acted out, proper behaviors modeled and Christian values taught. Teachers are paid adequate wages with which to support their families. 

Other donations go to keep our basic non-profit functions running, like this website. We have no paid staff but do occasionally need to buy things like stamps and thank you cards. Processing fees for credit cards reduce your net contribution. We really appreciate those of you who cover this. 

Donations to other campaigns like the one for building the school go entirely to that purpose. 

Click this link to contribute to the building campaign