"Truly I say to you, anything you do for the least of these my children, you are doing for me." Matthew 25:40
People Helped
Volunteer Hours
Dollars Raised
$1.24 million
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Hear the impact firsthand from a loyal volunteer.

Why does a 67 year old lady who speaks no Spanish want to go on a medical mission trip to Guatemala? From the time you step off the plane until you leave, you feel the love and gratitude of the people. As I cared for the people, the smiles, the trust, the gratitude humbled me. This is care that some would never receive otherwise.
What impressed me most was their sense of peace, their faith and their smiles, the giggles on the little one’s faces.
“Greater love hath no man than that a man lay down his life for his friends. … I have called you friends.” John 15: 13, 15. I have many new friends in Guatemala.
Robyn Bond