Trip leaders: Cammie Berger 704-756-0824

                        Karen Bollinger 304-237-0187

                       Mark Bollinger 304-860-7713

We are seeking 10 – 12 individuals who love the Lord and want to grow in faith and share God’s love with his people in Guatemala. This trip will be offered on a first-come first-served basis. A background check is required and included with your deposit. Trip payments are non-refundable once plane tickets are purchased, however, all mission trip payments can qualify as charitable deductions.  

We will be working at La Promesa School, providing activities and programs for children, teachers and adults and doing community outreach projects. The new school buildings should be close to completion. We hope to do some landscaping, painting and other projects to help complete the school. Plans are to fly as a group from Charlotte, NC. If you prefer to fly from an airport closer to your home or require an alternate departure or return date, contact Cammie. Everyone will purchase their own airline ticket. We will travel together by bus from the airport to the mission house in Guatemala. There is an $800 fee for living expenses and transportation costs in Guatemala. Flights may range between $650-$900. As a team member, you must understand the importance of respecting their culture and sign a covenant that you are willing to abide by the team guidelines.

Statement of Faith & Life:
Christian missions are about helping people in need and sharing the saving message of Jesus Christ. We understand and believe that Jesus is The Way, the Truth, and the Life. It is through Jesus’ blood shed on the cross that our sins are forgiven, and the bridge is built for us to connect with our Father and live eternally with Him in Heaven. We know that we are sinners in need of a savior. It is by the grace and mercy of God through His son Jesus Christ that we can repent of our sins, be forgiven and have a relationship with our Creator. We know that it is not our good deeds that get us to Heaven, but rather because of God’s awesome love shown to us through Jesus that we respond in thanksgiving with acts of love, mercy, and kindness toward others. We believe that the church is the Body of Christ on Earth. Jesus is the head of the church. Because we are the body of Christ, we pay special attention to how we treat and care for each other. We pledge to one another to live with integrity, honesty, and love. We do not gossip, speak falsely, or criticize one another. Instead, we seek to build up each other in love, encouragement, and truth. I agree that in attending a mission trip that I am laying aside personal preferences for the good of the team. In doing so I release my life for God to change me and for the team to radically serve wherever and however it is needed. I agree to be fully engaged in team activities, devotions, sharing and growth.

$200 deposit due with Registration

FEB 1               $300 payment due

FEB 10             7PM Team Intro/information meeting via Zoom

MAR 1             $300 final payment due

MAR 3             7PM Team planning meeting via Zoom/deadline for sign-ups

MAR 31           7PM Final Team meeting via Zoom

APR 4               Departure from CLT to GUA

APR 12            Arrival from GUA to CLT

Ready to go? Follow the two-step process below:

STEP 1 --- Go HERE and complete the application. After submission, I will send you an email with information on submitting info for background check, which is included in your deposit.

STEP 2 --- Once application is received, we will add your name to the drop-down list on the payment page and you can proceed HERE to pay your deposit and any future payments. There will be an option for others to donate to your trip, if you choose to send this link to others.